Hello, and welcome to (the latest incarnation of) my site! 👋

I've been working on a zero-dependency Scala framework called branch, and using it to build some fun applications (along with other dependencies at the app level) with it - one of them is a markdown static site generator named blarg - which this site is now built/deployed with!

Why am I doing this? For fun! I've been re-inventing some wheels, and having a blast doing it. I wouldn't expect people to use any of it for serious work any time soon, but you're certainly welcome to try it out! The little ecosystem lives in the wishingtreedev org on GitHub.

This site will probably focus on my work with these projects, but I've ported over some old articles (again) so some older links should hopefully still work.

Head over to the blog section to see my latest ramblings, check out about for some of my work history, or the external links in the footer to get in contact with me elsewhere!