This is my first post on my new site, built with [blarg]( - my markdown bases static site generator, written in Scala! The markdown files are parsed with the `commonmark-java` library, but the `blarg` tool is built with my `Ursula` cli library, the site is templated with my `Mustachio` mustache template engine I built (initially for this tool!), and served via my `Spider`wrapper over the built-in java http server. The last bit is just for fun, and more dog-fooding of my own libraries, since a static site could be deployed in simpler ways than a scale-to-zero deployment on 😁ursula
This is my first post on my new site, built with [blarg]( - my markdown bases static site generator, written in Scala! The markdown files are parsed with the `commonmark-java` library, but the `blarg` tool is built with my `Ursula` cli library, the site is templated with my `Mustachio` mustache template engine I built (initially for this tool!), and served via my `Spider`wrapper over the built-in java http server. The last bit is just for fun, and more dog-fooding of my own libraries, since a static site could be deployed in simpler ways than a scale-to-zero deployment on 😁about
An overview of the site
If you're interested in a sort of running Curriculum Vitae, then read on to learn a little more about me, as well as my current and past misadventures! If you're looking for something more official looking, you can get the most recent copy of hand-crafted LaTeX resume [here](/resume/mark-rudolph-resume.pdf).blarg
This is my first post on my new site, built with [blarg]( - my markdown bases static site generator, written in Scala! The markdown files are parsed with the `commonmark-java` library, but the `blarg` tool is built with my `Ursula` cli library, the site is templated with my `Mustachio` mustache template engine I built (initially for this tool!), and served via my `Spider`wrapper over the built-in java http server. The last bit is just for fun, and more dog-fooding of my own libraries, since a static site could be deployed in simpler ways than a scale-to-zero deployment on 😁github
Publishing Artifacts to GitHub
Hello, class. Today we're going to use sbt to publish artifacts to GitHub packages via GitHub Actions when we tag/release our codebase, and we're not going to use *any* sbt plugins to do it!github actions
Publishing Artifacts to GitHub
Hello, class. Today we're going to use sbt to publish artifacts to GitHub packages via GitHub Actions when we tag/release our codebase, and we're not going to use *any* sbt plugins to do it!k8s
ZIO + Kubernetes
![How to deploy Kubernetes meme](/img/memernetes.png)resume
An overview of the site
If you're interested in a sort of running Curriculum Vitae, then read on to learn a little more about me, as well as my current and past misadventures! If you're looking for something more official looking, you can get the most recent copy of hand-crafted LaTeX resume [here](/resume/mark-rudolph-resume.pdf).