This post is centered around the new way of passing implicit arguments to methods via using-clauses.
Abstracting over contextual information. Using clauses allow programmers to abstract over information that is available in the calling context and should be passed implicitly. As an improvement over Scala 2 implicits, using clauses can be specified by type, freeing function signatures from term variable names that are never explicitly referred to.
The preface
For this example, let's say that we have some interface that we're going to be passing around a lot, and that it could have multiple implementations.
trait BaseLogger {
def log[T](t: T): Unit
case class PrintLogger() extends BaseLogger {
def log[T](t: T): Unit = println(s"Logger result: ${t.toString}")
case class FancyLogger() extends BaseLogger {
def log[T](t: T): Unit = println(s"Ye Olde Logger result: ${t.toString}")
Scala 2
In Scala 2, we could write a method, and have our trait's implementation passed in as a separate implicit argument.
def loggingOp[A,B](a: A, b: B)(implicit logger: BaseLogger): Int = {
val result = +
At this point, we could call our method by still passing the argument in explicitly
object Using_2 extends App {
val printLogger: PrintLogger = PrintLogger()
val fancyLogger: FancyLogger = FancyLogger()
loggingOp(40, 2)(printLogger)
loggingOp(40, 2)(fancyLogger)
However, if we define an instance of type BaseLogger
in scope implicitly,
then we don't need to pass it in as an argument every time! Of course, we still
have the option to pass something in explicitly, if we don't want to use the
instance that is in scope implicitly.
object Using_2 extends App {
val printLogger: PrintLogger = PrintLogger()
val fancyLogger: FancyLogger = FancyLogger()
loggingOp(40, 2)(printLogger)
loggingOp(40, 2)(fancyLogger)
// With an implicit of type BaseLogger in scope...
implicit val defaultLogger = printLogger
// ... I no longer need to pass it as an argument
loggingOp(true, false)
loggingOp(17, "purple")
// ... but I can still call implicit arguments explicitly!
loggingOp("car", printLogger)(fancyLogger)
Scala 3
In Scala 3, we don't use the implicit key word when defining a method - we now
use using
. A faithful port of the Scala 2 code above would look something
// You can specify the name logger, but don't have to
def loggingOp_withParamName[A, B](a: A, b: B)(using logger: BaseLogger): Int = {
val result = +
The awesomeness of Scala 3 doesn't stop there, though, because you can define
your methods by just declaring the type! In this case, we just summon
instance internally, and use reference to that.
There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things.
Guess it's just invalidating caches now!
def loggingOp[A, B](a: A, b: B)(using BaseLogger): Int = {
val logger = summon[BaseLogger]
val result = +
From here, our code works mostly the same - one caveat being that when
explicitly passing arguments, you need to use the using
keyword - where
previously you didn't need to declare the values you were passing in were
. We're also declaring our BaseLogger
in scope using
alias givens
object Using_3 {
val printLogger: PrintLogger = PrintLogger()
val fancyLogger: FancyLogger = FancyLogger()
def main = {
// We can still call things explicitly...
loggingOp(40, 2)(using printLogger)
loggingOp(40, 2)(using fancyLogger)
// .. but we have a new way of defining what type is in scope implicitly
// implicit val defaultLogger = printLogger // <- this would still work
given defaultLogger: BaseLogger = printLogger // <- but probably use this
loggingOp(true, false)
loggingOp(true, false)
loggingOp(17, "purple")
loggingOp("car", printLogger)(using fancyLogger)
Final Thoughts
Using clauses can be a bit more complex, but with the simple example outlined above - we have one less scary new thing, that we can mentally map back to our years of Scala 2 use!